DCO2017-0004 | worldepay.co | Worldpay Limited | Gregory Murray, EPP International INC | | 08-Mar-2017 |
Entered on 08-Feb-2017 12:05am To whom , it may Concern
1) We are not passing ourselves off as worldpay.com, worldepay.co is a real website [...] |
DCO2017-0004 | worldepay.co | Worldpay Limited | Gregory Murray, EPP International INC | | 08-Mar-2017 |
Entered on 07-Feb-2017 11:56pm Dear Mr Levine, i am embarrassed as this commentary was copied by me but should not have been put on here, my [...] |
1703556 | soccermall.com | Hassan Shams | Private Registration / WhoisGuardService.com | UDRP | 22-Dec-2016 |
Entered on 02-Feb-2017 01:46am To whom it may concern,
There are also no forward or backward links to worldpay.com, we are not passing [...] |
DCO2017-0004 | worldepay.co | Worldpay Limited | Gregory Murray, EPP International INC | | 08-Mar-2017 |
Entered on 31-Jan-2017 03:24am Not all domain names identical or confusingly similar to trademarks are actionable. Exhibit 1 are complainants [...] |
DCO2017-0004 | worldepay.co | Worldpay Limited | Gregory Murray, EPP International INC | | 08-Mar-2017 |
Entered on 31-Jan-2017 03:22am Hi , I also read this
Among the ways that a domain name owner can prove a legitimate right or interest in a [...] |